Sackboy: A Big Adventure
Release Date: November 12, 2020
Developer: Sumo Sheffield
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Genres: Platformer, Action
Platforms: PlayStation
My Platform: PlayStation 5
Difficulty Levels: No choice, same for all
My Level: N/A
Game Difficulty: 5/10
Game Rating: 8/10
Time To Beat: 15hrs
Platinum Difficulty: 7/10
Time To Platinum: N/A
Welcome to the spin-off of the 'LittleBigPlanet' series. A series I have never played, so I won't be making any comparisons to it. But I heard it was an absolute hit and this game was a definite must play as well. I wasn't sold right away. So I didn't want to pay full price for it. Just in case it wasn't a good fit. I mean, games are really expensive these days. So when I am buying something, I have to be more sure about it than with last-gen games. The summer deals are always a good time to look for new games. 'Sackboy A Big Adventure' was on a good price, so I went for it.
The Story
The dastardly Vex kidnaps Sackboy's friends and forces them to build his Topsy Turver. This most deadly diabolical device will transform 'Craftworld' from a fantastical land of pure imagination and innocent dreams...into a torrid, barren eyesore of nightmares.
Take down Vex. Save the Sack-folk. Save the day.
Technical Stuff
You can play this game solo or in co-op. If you don't have anybody to play couch co-op with. You can go online in the game, and team up, or use share play. Good to know. If you are going for the platinum you have to be the host, when you play the multiplayer levels. If you are not, you will not unlock the trophies. So make sure you switch it off with your gaming buddy.
The game is build up into 5 different worlds.
- The Soaring Summit
- The Colossal Canopy
- The Kingdom Of Crablantis
- The Interstellar Junction
- The Centre Of Craftworld
Well technically there are 6 worlds. When you finish the story and the credits have rolled. You enter a bonus world; 'The Wonderplane'.
Every world exists out of main levels, multiplayer, one boss, a side level and the 'Knitted Knight Trials'. More on those trials later on.
This game has plenty of collectibles for you to gather. They are the following:
- Dreamer Orbs: Blue balls, you need to collects these to unlock levels
- Prizes: Wearables which you can find in your wardrobe at Zom Zom's shop
- Knight's Energy: Golden cubes, which unlock Knitted Knight Trials
- Orbs: Collect as many as you can, they determine your level score
- Collectibells: Gold bells, currency for Zom Zom's shop
- Aces: Complete level without dying
If you go for the platinum. You got your work cut out for you. Don't let the colorful happiness of this game fool you! That platinum will take some work. And if platforming is not really your will be a grind.
The trophies are pretty straight forward. Most of them you will unlock by just playing the game. You need to take out enemies in various ways, find your collectibles, play around in Zom Zom's shop, defeat bosses etc...and finish the trials. That last part is probably going to be your biggest challenge. It definitely is mine. And yes, that is present tense. I am still working on those trials.
Now that we got the technical stuff out of the way. Lets talk gameplay!
I was absolutely surprised when I started playing this game. Because it is sooooo much fun! The graphics are so sharp and colorful. The controls are smooth and easy to use. But the music...that might be the best part of this game! From familiar tunes, to great beats, which are all perfectly in sync with what is happening in the game. Even if you are having a bad day. When you are playing this game, you will be smiling while doing so. The beats will catch you and you will be singing along with those songs.
It is a light story. Even though you have to go after a bad guy and fight enemies. It is a great game for kids as well. But definitely not childish, so it is also an awesome game for adults. I only played this solo. But I can imagine, it is an absolute blast as well when you play this co-op.
The first 3 worlds are my favorites. After that the game definitely gets tougher. And skills are required. Since this is a platformer, timing is key! That doesn't mean that the game gets bad after those 3 worlds. Not even close to that!
The pace of the game/story is very well written. You can play the levels how you want. Go for all the collectibles and check out every single corner, or you can speedrun it. You can play them as often as you want. Also after the story is over.
When the credits have rolled, you end up in a world called 'The Wonderplane'. It is a bonus section, what prolongs you story a little bit longer. Get ready for your skills to be tested! Because the levels in this world, are not easy. Again, timing is key, be patience. By this point you need quite a lot of Dreamer Orbs, to unlock these levels. I didn't have enough, so I had to go back to other worlds to harvest more of these orbs. The good thing is, as soon as you have picked up an orb. You can go back to your map and move on to the next one. No need to complete the whole level, to make it count.
Knitted Knight Trials
This part of the game, is going to be your biggest challenge. Especially if you want to go for gold on every trial. You unlock these by collecting the gold cubes you come across in some levels. I say some, because there are only 15 in the whole game. Which means, there are 15 trials for you to beat. Just as with the rest of the game. At the end of every trial, you will be rewarded with a cup, bronze, silver or gold. At least, if you finish before the set time.
As with everything in this game. It starts of easy, but don't get comfortable! These trials will test you on many levels. If your plan is to go for the platinum, you have to play and replay these trials over and over again. Because after you finishes all 15...there will be a surprise for you! I will not tell you what it is. Way more fun for you to find that out by yourself!
Final Thoughts
This game is a ray of sunshine. Which I didn't expect at all. I highly recommend this one for every type of gamer. I had a blast playing it and I will keep going back to it every once and a while. For now I still have the trials to finish and jump on the multiplayer side of the game. And I am really looking forward to that last part. Should I have bought the game straight off the bat at full price? No. I am glad I waited. Not because the game is not an absolute joy. But it is not a long game. For now I have 15hrs in it. That number will grow for sure. But still, it won't end up being a 50hr game. So the full price would still be to steep for me. But getting this game one way or another, absolutely worth it!
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Thank you again for taking the time to read this blog!
Have a good one, game on, and I'll catch you on the flipside!